Wonder Girls accomplish a appropriate bedfellow actualization on Project Aerodrome Korea 4 as clients

Wonder Girls are authoritative a appropriate bedfellow actualization on On Style’s Project Aerodrome Korea 4 as admirers for the contestants’ aboriginal mission.

In the additional adventure of On Style’s Project Aerodrome Korea 4 that will air on February 4 at 10 p.m., Wonder Girls accomplish a abruptness appointment to the contestants and appeal to architecture date apparel for them.

The fifteen contestants, who were assuredly called afterwards a boxy final admirers in the aboriginal episode, are accepted to acquaintance greater antagonism for the Wonder Girls’ appropriate request.

In the episode, the Wonder Girls appointment the contestants and appeal to architecture their date costumes, which fit to the affair and activating choreography of their new song and appearance anniversary member’s character. The Wonder Girls, who accept consistently been hot issues because of their characteristic appearance styles and arresting performances, appeal the designs of their date apparel in detail, from their admired colors and styles to things to be accurate about.

The contestants are blessed with the Wonder Girls’ abruptness appointment at first, but they get anon taken ashamed by their abundant request. Though, they are planning to appearance activity for the mission.

It’s been appear that the Wonder Girls said they were animated to accommodated the contestants, saying, “We adulation Project Aerodrome Korea so abundant that we never absence the premiere of every episode. Every time we watch the episode, we get added afraid that the contestants.” They were additionally aflame about the new date apparel the contestants are activity to architecture for them.

Because the mission accustomed to the contestants is a aggregation mission, it’s accepted that there is activity to be added astriction amid the contestants. Throughout all seasons, there accept consistently been a lot of conflicts back aggregation missions were conducted. From anniversary contestant’s adorned aerodrome appearance to the judges’ aciculate comments, it will accord the admirers a blood-tingling experience.

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