JYJ’s Junsu to Absolution Aboriginal Abandoned Anthology and Authority Asian Tour

JYJ’s Junsu will improvement in May with his actual aboriginal abandoned anthology and an Asian Tour. On April 16, CJ-eS Entertainment said in a columnist release, “JYJ Junsu’s aboriginal abandoned anthology will be appear in May. He will authority a concert in Korea and an Asian Tour after as well.”
This would be Junsu’s aboriginal abandoned anthology in his career, back debuting in 2004. Junsu will baby-sit the accomplished assembly of the album, while autograph a lot of of the songs. The anthology is appear to appear with a array of genres, alignment from R&B and carol to ball music. 
In addition, Junsu absitively to avoid the admission showcase, and instead accept his own concerts in Korea and six added Asian countries. His aboriginal concert will be captivated in Seoul on May 19 and 20, and will after advance into his Asian Tour visiting Thailand, Macao, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Shanghai. For this album, Junsu will not put abundant accent on TV promotions.
Since 2010, Junsu has been spending a lot of his time on agreeable shows, actualization in shows such as “Mozart” and “Tears of Heaven.” He’s accustomed assorted awards for his agreeable roles, including “Rookie of the Year” and “Most Popular Actor” awards at the “Seoul Music Awards."

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