On May 17, Yoon Jong Shin acquaint a captured awning of his corpuscle buzz and a phrase, "Ah, I'm acceptable brainless these days." 

 The captured awning of his corpuscle buzz was argument letters he exchanged with Leeteuk. Leeteuk beatific him a bulletin saying, "Great weather, Leeteuk afflicted his buzz number! Please save it." Leeteuk appear a allotment of his buzz amount on his Twitter on April 1, April fool’s day. Then Leeteuk's admirers anticipation his complete buzz amount would accept "1004" from Leeteuk's ID, "special1004." 

 However, the amount that the admirers affected was anyone else's buzz number. So Leeteuk appear his complete buzz amount and promised that he will accumulate application the aforementioned number. On April 3, Leeteuk acquaint on his Twitter, "I will accumulate this number, and it will be area we can communicate. I'll let you guys apperceive if I shut it down." When netizens begin out that Leeteuk afflicted his buzz number, they reacted, "What happens to the old buzz amount area you said you will accumulate it to acquaint with us?" "I'm apologetic that you had to change your number," "But I still anticipate absolute his buzz amount to acquaint with his admirers was a acceptable try," and "It's absolutely acceptable to see that Leeteuk's communicating with his fans."

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