B.A.P’s maknaes Zelo and Jong Up yield a antic photo together

On February 23rd, Zelo and Jong Up of B.A.P afresh aggregate four amusing photos of themselves at a music affairs through their official Daum fan cafe.
In one of the photos, Zelo is apparent abrading Jong Up’s abdomen while Jong Up is stylishly assuming in foreground of the camera. Addition photo shows Zelo assuming to bang Jong Up while he’s searching in the added direction.

Despite getting at such a adolescent age, Zelo shows of his acceptable looks and his alpine height. In addition, he can rap at an amazing 16-syllables per additional and is aswell a ballerina who currently attends Hanlim Arts High School.
Fans who saw the pictures wrote, “Zelo’s annoying hands“, “The cutest maknae band ever“, and “I aswell wish to see photos of the added associates as well.”
Meanwhile, B.A.P will be absolute promotions for “Warrior” this anniversary and are appointed to aftereffect with addition clue from their anthology alpha next week.

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