MBLAQ’s absorbing baton Seung Ho was afresh called as the best babyish sitter.
In the 4th adventure of KBS Joy’s MBLAQ’s Hello Baby, which will air on February 9, MBLAQ associates will be graded on their babyish sitting abilities by adolescent adviser Kim Mi Young.

MBLAQ associates accept been alive adamantine to booty affliction of three babies. They gave the babies presents, acted cutesy, and they additionally accept been candied to them. Some members, however, didn’t absolutely apperceive how to please the babies and they became conflicting from the babies.
Kim watched MBLAQ associates demography affliction of the babies and chose the best Dad and the affliction Dad. The affiliate who was called as the best Dad looked so blessed but the affiliate who was called as the affliction Dad looked sad.
Seung Ho, the oldest affiliate of the group, was called as the best Dad. Kim afraid the associates by prasing Seung Ho, “He is like an expert.”
On the added hand, Mir was called as the affliction Dad earning 26 out of 200 points.