In the 10th episode of KBS2’s Wild Romance, which aired on February 2, Moo Yul (Lee Dong Wook) and Jong Hee (Jessica) are portrayed sharing a deep smooch.
Moo Yul grumbles at Dong SU about Eun Jae having quit being a guard because he feels frustrated and wound up.
Dong Su asks Moo Yul how he is getting along with Jong Hee, Moo Yul reveals his story about almost spending a night with Jong Hee.
Moo Yul recalls; He shares their memories of the unwanted break-up with Jong Hee. He stops talking and starts giving her a kiss.
They move to a bed and continue smooching. The meowing sound of Jong Hee’s cat, however, stops them from kissing.
Meanwhile, Tae Han and Dong Ah are portrayed getting close each other.